Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Strange Sightings

Ok so today I viewed a few strange things: well strange to me anyway....

~So as I'm driving to the post office there is a SUV in front of me and were just cruising along then these 2 birds start flying across in front of the suv, the second bird ran into the side of the suv. Feathers go flying and the bird lands dead on the other side of the street.
A dive bomber bird commits suicide right in front of me.....haven't ever seen that before.

~While trying to recooperate (sp?) from this tragic incident, Em and & I are out in front of KT's school in line for kid pick up, and along side of us goes this yellow school bus with boys standing up changing clothes....while the bus is going down the road in front of the middle school at pick up time.....hum...haven't ever seen that before.

These may not seem out of the ordinary for any of you but I was caught of guard.

These things got me to thinking of other strange things I've seen recently...

~like for instance beavers

I had never even seen a beaver in real life until about 6 months ago we were driving down the road by Hans' work and there was a beaver dead on the side of the road. The family talked about never seeing a beaver before and we went on with life....then the last time we were in College Station we were over by castlegate subdivision and what do we see....a beaver dead in the middle of the road and neither TX or MS are the beaver state...hahaha.....weird huh?

~So, my next one is....we were in Shreveport on the way home to TX, and we were at Whataburger (of course) and while waiting for our food, we see a Fire truck next door at the gas station, getting gas. I was like "I've never seen a firetruck getting gas before don't they have their own pump at the fire house"....? I thought for some reason they did...the guy used a purple laytex glove to pump the gas so we had the conversation as to why he would need to use the glove and we came up with that if he were to get gas on his hands, and had to go to a fire that could be bad for him....anyway just not something you see everyday I thought. Of course now we see them all the time at the gas station.

~So, next is while we were on vacation in Branson for Christmas 2006 I took the following picture:

I thought it was funny that it says "do not pick wildflowers or vegetation" in front of a bed of dead grass and what use to be vegetation ( I would guess)

~Ok so then Jared sends me this picture of what I found out later to be a water buffalo he shot while hunting..... in College Station...when is the last time you saw a water buffalo in College Station? ( I immediately thought..." everybody's got a water buffalo yours is fast but mine is slow, where do you get one I don't know but everybodys got a water buffaloooooo~Veggietales~ silly songs with Larry) I would post the picture but I deleted it b/c when would I ever want to send someone a picture of a water buffalo~that wasn't mine of course? hahahaha..there I go being funny again...did you catch it...ok moving on.....

~So we went to IHOP in Bryan one time and they were out of bacon, and chocolate milk...on a saturday morning...? Not cool

~So then one time we were at Wendy's on one of our trips to TX, and they were out of Beef burgers...AT Wendy's....again not cool

~Last but not least today I was angered by a woman in front of me b/c her small children were in the back seat..not in their seat belts! Probably 5 & 6 or 7 years old! Not only were they not in their seat belts but one of them kept eyeballing me and giving me dirtylooks!!! The onther one had her entire head out the back window!!!!! Ok I'm done venting..

So have you seen anything strange lately? Or am I the only one? I am in Mississippi...

1 comment:

Becky said...

Your posts are cracking me up!!!
You are having way too much fun!!
Yes, those are all strange things to see, or have happen! What fun! I'll have to see if I can think of any??
And look how much younger your girls look in those pics!!