Monday, March 3, 2008

First Monday of March....

I figured I would start a Monday ritual here on this space of my thoughts.

I am going to post words of the week. Words that I hope through the week to exemplify more, learn more about through studying His word, and and memorizing scripture.

The definition, sometimes synonyms, and atleast 1 verse if not 2 will be posted.

Hopefully through out the week I can write about experiences, and other thoughts of how this word has helped me, how I was able to demonstrate - this week and in the past, etc...

We'll see what it turns into.....

So I added my first word ~ Grace ~

I chose Grace after hearing one of my favorite songs this morning.....

"Grace Flows Down"

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound

Amazing Love, now flowing down

From hands and feet, that were nailed to the tree

As Grace flows down and covers me.

Lord, thank you for your grace that flowed from the cross to cover my sin.

I pray that I can show grace with my family, and those that I come in contact with so that they may see you through me. Amen


Melissa said...

Thank you for sharing...I love that song too!

Becky said...

One of my all time favorite songs now!
I was thinking of using that picture at the top of my blog! You may see it there soon!
OH, fun memory of the camping! Thanks for reminding me! Sorry I missed that trip!