Tuesday, May 20, 2008

You tube Tuesday

This is one of my favorite movie quotes, and one I use often...I usually refer to my husband as Honey around the house. Most of the time I'm getting ready to say something to him I usuallly pause (b/c I'm still thinking through what I'm about to say...yes sometimes I actually think before I speak..LOL) Anyway I pause and say Honey....? and either I or the kids will chime in and say where's my super suit? and then we'll have a good chuckle and I'll finish with what I was going to ask or say.This also relays back to the cartoon from just before Mother's Day.I don't know how to link to it from this post.
Well enjoy, and if you get a chance rent it or watch this great family movie again soon!

1 comment:

Becky said...

I have not seen that whole movie!
Sounds like fun for us soon!!!