Friday, August 1, 2008

I miss you still

Three years ago my friend Kevin died. I miss him very much even now. Still 3 years later we do not have a convencing reason for his death. Suicide, I believe that knowing him the way we did that he would not have done this. Murder, this is more likely but there is not enough evidence. The case is still open , and I hope one day someone will come forward with some information but in the long run it doesn't really matter, he's still gone. Kevin's death has changed my life. There are so many things that losing him at 29 I now think about; my words to people, these could be the last words they hear from me, how do I want to be remembered? My decision to go back to school so that I am able to support myself if something were to happen to my husband, don't take the life God has given you for granted live every day. Love the people in your life- I am blessed to have many friends some read this blog, and were there for me during my grief Thank you, and I love ya'll!
His smile,his deep smooth voice, his crazy tatoos, his laughter, the way he hated it when you touched him with your feet (funny how I now really don't like it when people touch me with their feet) his son Ever, his widow Andrea, his daughter Kelsey, they way EM would call him her second Dad, his nickname for KT "pizza queen" from a memorable 4th of July, his willingness to drop everything to help me get my keys out of my car when I locked them inside, and his precious friendship with my husband (2 peas in a pod). My life was definitely better for having known him, and loved him, and I am truly blessed to have been able to call him friend. There are so many more things that I remember that make me smile, but the most precious memories I hold dear are my last moments with Kevin as we were leaving his house he hugged me as he always did, and said "I love you sweetheart".
I'll never forget you Kev-o I love you too!

1 comment:

Becky said...

That was a very sad and tragic loss!! I know how you feel!! I've been remembering my friend Kelly that died unexpectedly 2 yrs ago now. I've thought about writing about her!