I have purchased all but 1 of my textbooks for this year.
13 for Nursing, and, 2 for my computer class.
I was able to buy this monster of a textbook.
Then went and bought the other 12 at the bookstore for $643.
Then went back to the bkst. to buy the "bundle" for computer $40
thinking that I could find the other computer book online for less than the bkst price of $105. So I guess I will go back to the bookstore and spend another $100.
Here is what $643 will get you
(thank goodness for updated, higher limit credit card that came in the mail Friday!)The other good news is that these nursing books will last me the next 2 years, and I should only have to buy 1 or 2 each semester! So the price is not that bad when you break it up into 4 semesters! The other good news is I do not have to pay tuition due to a scholarship! That helps to afford these books! I also spent some money on some other Nursing student "help" books! I keep one in the car so I alsways have something "nursing" to read!
I also received these in the mail
What a fun day I had going through all my stuff!
I am definitely intimidated by the amount of info in all of these books!
But I am positive that I will pass and retain all that I need to, to become the best nurse I can be!
Only 5 more days!!!!!! I better get to reading!
Hey Melody! I just wanted to tell you that I'm proud of you and that YOU CAN DO IT!!! :)
I missed you being here!! Had to work all weekend. Just worked 7 straight days and I'm wiped out!!
Geez! I knew nursing books were expensive!!! golly!
gail said:
I am so proud of you!! I am celebrating this moment because you have worked so hard to get to this point. Brian is taking an online semin. course this semester too. Both of you will be hitting the books hard. Enjoy the journey and keep a check on your blood pressure Nurse!
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