Thursday, April 24, 2008

3 years ago today...

I tore my ACL jumping on the trampolime at the Hodges. As I sit here indian style (yeah) I remember the day, and can complain about my living situation at the time, (with MIL) building the house and scrubbing the floors getting them ready for stain, or that Daisy just had 9 puppies....BUT I'll just remember that when I truly needed my friends they were there! I'll alsways remember Susan climbing onto the trampoline and letting me lay in her lap and cry like I was her 4 year old daughter...and I'll remember Honey carrying me out of the house and I was worried that my underwear was showing and that he was going to hit my leg on the wall. Then there is the fact that Honey didn't really think I was hurt and kept telling me to stop acting like a baby, he was not taking me to the ER (this is while I am in the truck refusing to get out). Then how about how sick I got from all the pain meds I took on an empty stomach! Then the next day Honey took me to the ER, and cute Doc says "well we don't see any swelling or anything conclusive on the x-ray!" It wasn't until 2 weeks later that the nurse calls after my MRI and says "Yep torn smooth in half!" HAH! Surgery was great again my friends are awesome! Hey G do you remember when you and S came to the hospital...and ya'll had to leave suddenly b/c I didn't want to throw up in front of you...Pleasant thought I know...Anyway... again AWESOME friends!
Then of course B came by and brougt me a sweet bag full of goodies..I think I still have the bag, but not the magazine, or the goodies..LOL

Well thank you to those of you who were there to hold me up on my one good leg when I needed you! Your the best!

I'll leave you with this picture: pretty huh?
Lve ya'll!

1 comment:

Becky said...

EEEWWWW! Is that your torn whatever it was?!!!
Glad to be there for ya babe! xoxo