Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A new passion

So you need to read my last post before you read this one or it will not make a whole lot of sense....
OK so you know how I mentioned the stuff about rules for being in line at the kids schools....?
Well yesterday (the morning after my post) I got into line at KT's school, a lady pulls in behind me, and then proceeds to pull out from behind me and get infront of me.....
KT and I turned and looked at each other...she knew I was about to blow a gasket! The pleading look in her eyes..the look that said please mom don't hurt that lady, and (deep down inside) the please don't humiliate me in front of my school look...that look is the only thing that kept me from getting out of my truck walking over to her car and telling this woman ~ from another country~ how we do it in Mississippi, and how we should do it in Mississippi, or any other state she were to move to! We do not cut in line, does she think this line of cars is just here for no reason..? Pull your mercedes driving BUTT around and get back at the end of the line (now all the way down the street)!
I refrained...those of you who know me know that I do have some of my dad in me, and it was TOUGH to stay in the truck!
Can you believe this happened to me, the morning after I told my bloggy friends about KT's comment? I think I have missed my calling as a crossing guard, and I hope one day when I am older, and have lived out all of the years as a nurse that I can muster, at that time I hope I still have the passion for school traffic that I have now...b/c I will be the best crossing guard I can be! I wish I had known of this passion of mine prior to nursing school! We need nurses in this country AND we need good crossing guards!! I wish I could do both, but I'm afraid the fact that I'm already in Nursing school, and that I can save lives, and make a better living for me and my family, has to out weigh my passion for CONTROLING school traffic! If there were a way I would find it but..alas I can only do one. Atleast for one more day my daughter can hold her head up high, and know she made it through another morning in line with out her mom making a total fool of her in front of her peers. There's always tomorrow!


Becky said...

The crossing guard world has lost what would have been a great one!!!

Blu and Darbi said...

You're so funny Melody! Your blogs make me laugh :)