Friday, February 22, 2008

Maybe my female troubles are over...

So I have not blogged for a while due to the last minute trip to Texas last weekend. For several years now I have been having "female" trouble, and have been considering my options and had setteled on having a hysterectomy this March. Last Thursday..Valentine's day I received a call from my nurse who said she may have another option that might work better with the scheduling conflicts we were having around spring break......This procedure only cost $20.00 & was done in the office, instead of the $1500.00 hysterectomy done in the we scheduled for Monday the 18th b/c the girls were already scheduled to be out of school and I only would miss one class on Monday. SO Friday after school and Hans work we left for you may well remember Friday the 15th was a terrible weather-day in Texas. It took us 8 hours and we arrived at 2 am, but thankfully in 1 piece. well 4 pieces.....hahaha. After hanging out with Jared & Amy, Mark & Michelle, and Eric & Desha Saturday night (pics attached) and attending Parkway Sunday morning ( Hi April & Bill I found and saved your blog site)I had the "procedure" Monday at not remember most of the day Monday. I had alot of drugs in me...and thankfully so. I am doing much better, and have not had any pain meds since Wed am. Just ibuprofen for the constatn cramping.

SO not much else has been going on here in the state of Mississippi, unless you can count school, applying for nursing school shere in MS and in TX. Again I'll keep you "posted".

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