I knew I would neglect my blog at some point during this crazy semester.
Here is just a quick update:
You saw that KT qualified for state YAY!
Em made the honor roll for this 9 weeks YAY!
Honey...well he's the same..wonderful YAY!
Me...I have been studying ALOT! And it seems to be paying off! I have a 85 average...YAY!!!
We are down to 30 people in our program! From 65!
Monday was test 5 and we had 2 check offs this week.
I made a 84.37 on the test. Tomorrow is considered mid-term and we had to have an 80 average before mid-term or we were cut from the program. Everyone knew what they had to make on Monday's test to stay in the program...It was a TOUGH day! I think we lost 14 people Monday! Then we had asepsis/wound check offs Tues. which is what the test was on on Monday. so no problem there but Wed we had Physical assessment check offs and we hadn't even looked at that stuff for 3 weeks since we took the test on it. We've been studying for the other tests we've had. I passed both check offs!!!
Check offs are pass/fail and you only get 2 chances to pass them if you don't pass either time you are out of the program!!!
I don't think anyone failed either check off this week. Whew! I don't think my emotions could take loosing anymore people right now!
I get to go to a nursing home tomorrow and give flu shots!!! A first for me! I'm PETRIFIED!
We also had a drug calculations test 2 weeks ago and this is also pass/fail, and you get 30 minutes. The trick is it's 10 questions and you have to make a 90 to be considered passing. I made an 80! I missed 2 for very stupid mistakes. Well our make-up for that is Monday. We had "remediation" today for the drug calc. and I made a 90 only missed 1 on the "pre-test". They said if we know this test backwards and forwards we should defitiely pass and should make a 100!
So with all that said I have decided to not study this weekend. Well maybe a little SUnday night, but I won't know what to do with a whole weekend with my family, and not traveling to TX.
The MS state fair is in town so we might do that!
Well, I huess that's all for now. I'll try to post and tell you how my flu shot experience goes!
Love ya'll,
Good luck with the flu shots! That would make me so nervous...you are a brave gal! Can't wait to hear about all the people you "stabbed"!
You are doing sooooooo great!!!!
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