Just a quick catch up post:
I am done with my first semester of nursing school! YAY! I survived when alot of other people did not, and I came out with a B!!! Which I am quite proud of!
I have made alot of precious friends, and am very blessed to have a group of people that are going through the same thing I am that I can talk to and vent with..Honey doesn't "get" it nor does he want to hear about any patients! I have been able to seen and do some cool, and some gross things. I come home dying to share & he's like uh....no thanks! SO I turn to my nursing school blog which I need to go update after this one. If you like cool & gross stuff check it out . There is a link on my side bar at the top.
So we will leave for Disn*yWorld sometime on Saturday...Honey will drive & wants to drive at night to avoid the majority of traffic. My parents, my niece, & my sister are also coming to DW! I will try to post pics when we come back. I may have to make several slide shows, and post them on slide*com which there is a link on my side bar to that page too!
I was chosen as room mother for EM's class & will spend some time this week getting ready for her Christmas party Thurs. afternoon, and KT is studying for her semester finals this week, & Honey is working hard as usual!
I'll check back in before we leave, hope everyone has a great week!
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