Saturday, March 8, 2008

Snow Day

As we woke up this morning...we had an accumulation of snow. The girls first snow! We new that further north towards Memphis we would be able to play in it & possibly build a snow we got in the car and headed north.....below is the slide show of our snow day including building 2 snowpeople, (a 3rd snowperson was built in Memephis but I took pics on my phone and did not save to this slide show but there was a total of 3 snowpeople today), also numerous snow ball fights. After leaving the dam at Enid Lake we headed north to Memphis since it was only another hour. We ate on the famous Beale Street at BB Kings Blues club with live music and an 86 yr. old guitar player...he was quite talented... Then we left to make our last snowperson on the way to the car and finished the fun off with a last snowball fight that mom lost. Then we headed home. The last pics in the slide show are of when we went back by the snowpeople and what was left...AWWWW!

Funny from today:
Katie said, and I quote... "so dad why do they say not to eat the yellow snow?"
I laughed until I cried, and then had to explain...

1 comment:

MC said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog...I love to get new readers!

Where in Texas did you live? My family used to live in Pampa (in the Panhandle) and in Corpus Christi. I also dream of moving back there someday!

My grandfather's family is from Richardson, where they have been for a long time and will be for a long time. So even though I was born a Yankee, I loved being a Texas girl!

Of course, now I am in Pennsylvania. Yeah.

Anyway, I hope that nursing school is going well for you! It was the hardest thing I ever did, but I am happy to have done it!